Removing Vascular blemishes permanently and comfortably is now possible. This treatment will free you of unsightly and unpleasant skin conditions: broken capillaries, ruby points, blotches, skin tags, milia and cholesterol deposits.
Treatments with the Vasculyse are safe and non-invasive. During the procedure, the Stylus simply touches the skin surface. Most Vascular blemishes disappear on contact.
Our Practitioners observe the strictest standard of hygiene. Skin reaction after the treatment is minimal and disappears after a few days.
Vasculyse Treatment
FREEZPEN for Precision Cryotherapy is the world’s best non-invasive treatment for removing benign skin lesions.
Cryotherapy Treatment
subject to change upon consultaion

Treats common lesions on the face and body:
- Sunspots (solar lentigo)
- Age Spots
- Dark Spots
- Skin Tags (fibroma pendulum)
- Angiomas + Hemangiomas
- Warts- Common + Plantar
- Seborrheic Keratosis
- Fibroma
- Millia
- Sebaceous Hyperplasia
- Molluscum
- Compound Nevus
- And much more…

What is Cryotherapy?
Cryotherapy is the gold standard for removal of skin lesions in dermatology and aesthetic practices. It’s the controlled destruction of unwanted tissue through the application of extreme cold.

How long will it take for the lesion to disappear?
Your lesion is expected to fall off2-4 weeks after the treatment. Some lesions are more persistent and may take longer to disappear.
How does the FreezPen treatment feel?
The treatment is comfortable, and doesn’t hurt. It feels like a light pinch. There is no need for local anesthesia.
How soon after the treatment can I return to my daily activities?
Immediately after. FreezPen treatments involve zero downtown.
How many treatments are involved?
Most lesions require one treatment. Large lesions, such as warts, may require 1-2 follow up treatments.
Will the FreezPen treatment leave any scars on my skin?
No. FreezPen is a non-invasive treatment. Temporary blistering may occur, but there will be no permanent scars or marks left on your skin.

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