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Hair restoration encompasses various techniques aimed at addressing hair loss and rejuvenating hair growth.

We offer 2 different approaches, PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) therapy and Xcellaris Pro treatment, each offering unique benefits for individuals experiencing hair thinning, balding, or other forms of hair loss.

Ideal for…….

  • androgenetic alopecia (male/female pattern baldness)
  • Alopecia Areata (patchy baldness)
  • Telogen Effluvium (stress-induced hair loss)

Here’s an overview of these two hair restoration options:

1. PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) Therapy:

PRP therapy involves utilizing your body’s own growth factors to stimulate hair follicles, improve hair quality, and promote new hair growth.

Treatment Process:

  • Blood Draw: A small amount of your blood is collected.
  • PRP Preparation: The blood is processed to isolate the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) containing growth factors.
  • Injection: The PRP is carefully injected into the scalp, targeting areas of thinning or baldness. This stimulates the hair follicles and encourages regrowth.

2. Xcellaris Pro Treatment:

Xcellaris Pro is a cutting-edge approach that uses both an in-clinic and at home treatment protocol.

Injection: The Xcellaris Pro is carefully injected into the scalp, targeting areas of thinning or baldness. This stimulates the hair follicles and encourages regrowth.

Microneedling with PRP400/treatment
Microneedling with XcellarisPro250/treatment
Typically requires treatment every 4-6 weeks for 4-6 sessions to achieve ideal results
Multi-treatment packages available
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